of domestic acceptance, orrortunity, passable appearance desire etc. will, little by little, make an appearance in the outside world. There she will have experiences, learn to cope with them, to speak to others, to react to situations, to learn from each occasion, to give and to take. This is exactly the mechanism whereby everyboc developes his or her #1 personality, and it works the same way for #2. The only difference is that #2 starts out of the house with an appearance that makes the world react differently to her, with an internal feeling that makes her project a different "self" at the observer, and the result is that the experiences and the reactions to them are in very large measure cut from different cloth. There are but few experiences in life that are exactly the same for both males and females. So this individual gradually over a number of years collects enough inter- actions with people and situations to enable her to re- act to a new situation in a fashion consistant with these previous experiences which, having been acquired in a feminine condition, are femininely slanted. The reaction to the new situation therefore is femininely slanted too----and that's all a personality is. How you show your self to the world and react to it physically, mentally and emotionally is what you become known by, it is your personality, your self.

Now how could one who remained in the fetishistic stage, even tho he had progressed to wearing the complete costume, possibly understand the experience of being able to get completely femininely made up, to sally forth to meet the world and to react to it and to do so more or less automatically in a feminine way? He could not. Anyone can put on a dress one day and a pair of pants another, but this gives him no common experience with which to judge the feelings, reactions etc. of a person who knows from his/her own internal response that "he" is not the same personality as "she". It would therefore be very much in order if those who have not had this experience would refrain from denying its existance or making fun of it.

The reason TVs so universely claim that they feel more relaxed, quieter and more comfortable when in femmedress is, I believe that in this role they can shed a good part of the characteristics and personality that